Religion is not for the sake of social order

In the divine economy of grace, sin and failure become the base metal and raw material for the redemption experience itself. Much of organized religion, however, tends to be peopled by folks who have a mania for some ideal order, which is never the case, so they are seldom happy...
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A Call to be One

As a people, we are at a crossover moment. It is a call to all of us to be our best, our least superficial, our most serious about what it means to be a Christian as well as a citizen. . . . Where in the midst of such polarization and national disunity is even the hope of oneing,...
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A Benediction for Election Day

May you remember that all politics and all platforms and all legalities and all borders and all leaders are temporary. May you recall that political movements and boundaries and personalities and programs are here one day and gone the next. All of these are passing away. May you...
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Some simple but urgent guidance to get us through these next months

I awoke on Saturday, September 19, with three sources in my mind for guidance: Etty Hillesum (1914 – 1943), the young Jewish woman who suffered much more injustice in the concentration camp than we are suffering now; Psalm 62, which must have been written in a time of a major...
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What is the gospel?

What is the good news that Jesus preached? What is the gospel that we should be preaching today? Noted New Testament scholar, N. T. Wright, offers some concise, thoughtful, and helpful observations on some aspects of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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