“The practice of the liturgy means that by the help of grace, under the guidance of the church, we grow into living works of art before God” -Romano Guardini

At the Dwelling Place, liturgy is seen as a way of life. Our life with God is a series of calls: the call to join in the eternal dance of worship that has begun within the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—the call to move into God’s eternal story—the call to believe the story of the incarnation—the call to lay the sorrows and chaos of the world in the Father’s lap—the call to join in the meal of God that brings life to all who partake of it. All of these calls are part of the weekly liturgy, and we respond to the call as a church. When we assemble, we respond through our acts of worship. In our daily lives we respond by continually offering ourselves to God in virtuous acts of ministry and service. Every one of us is an artist, and living liturgically means creating works of art for God.

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