Coming in out of the wind

The real problem of the Christian life comes where people do not usually look for it. It comes the very moment you wake up each morning. All your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists simply in shoving them all back;...
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Dawn and the new creation

The first chirps of the waking birds mark the “point vierge” [the virgin point] of the dawn under a sky as yet without real light, a moment of awe and inexpressible innocence, when the Father in perfect silence opens their eyes. They begin to speak to him, not with fluent song,...
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A Morning Prayer by the Elders of Optina

Starting the day by committing it to God can transform our perspective and the way we face the many aspects of daily living. The following prayer was developed by the Elders of Optina, a monastery in Russia that has been a center of spiritual growth and renewal for centuries. O...
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Now–the dwelling place of God

In the immediate experience of the Presence, the Now is no mere median point between the past and the future. It is the seat and region of the Divine Presence itself. No longer is the ribbon spread out with equal vividness before us, for the past matters less and the future...
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Teresa’s Bookmark

One of Teresa of Avila’s most famous teachings is a poem known as “Teresa’s Bookmark” that was found in her own prayer book after her death: Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing upset you. Everything changes. God alone is unchanging. With patience all things are possible. Whoever...
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